Blog masonry



What Brand Kept Radio 254 Alive

In December 2021, several months after opening its first studio space in April 2021. Radio 254 received a message via Instagram from a lady named Hebron about advertising on the radio station. It was during the December holidays that the message was sent so it was not until January of 2021 that we began conversations with Hebron about having a brand partnership and advertising on Radio 254. After negotiations. The deal was finally finalized and Radio 254 got the chance […]

todayJanuary 1, 2024 60 2


Radio 254 2023 Wrapped by Sonia Kiuri

Check out RADIO 254's 2023 Wrapped produced by the organizations Creative Director & Head of Digital & Content Creation, Sonia Kiuri. Expect more content across all digital platforms in 2024 as we continue with our mission of promoting and showcasing Kenyan music to the world. Radio 254 2023 Wrapped

todayDecember 8, 2023 63


Top 100 Kenyan Songs in 2023 by Radio 254™

Every year millions of Kenyan songs are released. This year, together with our audience we have prepared a Top 100 Kenyan Songs in 2023 similar to the US & UK Billboard Top 100 weekly charts. This list of 100 songs consists of 100 of the Top Kenyan songs either released or became popular in 2023. The list is not only a list but also serves as a five-and-a-half-hour playlist of the Top 100 Kenyan Songs in 2023 that is available […]

todayNovember 26, 2023 329 1 2


The Evolution of Radio : A Look at Radio in 2023

Radio is constantly evolving and finding ways to remain relevant over the many decades that it has existed in our society. It is, in fact, still one of the relevant form of media compared to newspapers or television. We are far from days when ten or more relatives and neighbors would gather around one radio to garner information from news and listen to the latest hits. The Kenyan radio sector is thriving with over 100 radio stations, many broadcasting in […]

todayAugust 15, 2023 272 3



Imagine a world where music is a language and we all live in harmony celebrating and dancing, no matter the genre. Embracing the rhythm and moving in collaboration with it. In that world, how happy it would be. People filled with delight in their eyes, laughter and a heart full of soul food. On the first day of July, Radio 254 & 254 Beer District are collaborating to create one of the most inclusive events in Kenya. Its prominence is […]

todayJune 21, 2023 173 1 2

Swahili articles


Siku zote ati palipo na wazee hapaharibiki jambo, wahenguzi hawakuambulia patupu. RAIS William Ruto hajakuwa mwepesi kumruhusu Naibu wake Rigathi Gachagua kuongoza uzinduzi wa miradi mikubwa ya miundomsingi tangu alipoingia mamlakani Septemba 13, 2022 hali ambayo imeibua maswali mengi sana miongoni mwa wakenya. Sababu ni kwamba hali hii ni tofauti kabisa muhula wa kwanza wa utawala wa Rais mstaafu Uhuru Kenyatta. Nyakati hizo, Dkt Ruto akiwa Naibu Rais, sawa na Gachagua, alipewa uhuru wa kuzunguka kote nchini akizindua miradi ya […]

todayJune 20, 2023 100 1



WAMILIKI wa biashara ndogo kama vile mama mboga na wahudumu wa bodaboda ni miongoni mwa Wakenya watakaofinywa na makali ya ushuru uliopendekezwa na bajeti ya kwanza ya Rais William Ruto. Iwapo Mswada wa Fedha wa 2023 utapitishwa na Bunge, wamiliki wa biashara ndogo ambao wamekuwa wakiuza bidhaa za angalau Sh1,400 kwa siku watalazimika kulipa asilimia tatu ya mauzo hayo. Ikiwa mfanyabiashara anatoa huduma au bidhaa za Sh1,400 kila siku inamaanisha kwamba atatoa ushuru wa Sh15,000 kufikia Juni 31, 2024. Mfanyabiashara […]

todayJune 3, 2023 125 1

Swahili articles

WOSIA KWA WANANDOA by Ferdinand Majimbo

NDOA ni kuvumiliana na bila uvumilivu ndoa haiwezi kufaulu. Kuvumilia kunamaanisha kukubali hali mbaya na ngumu ambazo hazifurahishi mtu. Hasa, hali hizi huwa ni ngumu na nzito sana zinazoumiza mtu. Ni hali ambazo mtu huwa hakuwa amezoea kabla ya kuingia katika ndoa au kutarajia kupata katika ndoa. Baadhi ya shida huwa zinasababishwa na mchumba wake au kuzuka kutokana na hali ambazo haziepukikikamwe. Mtu pia anaweza kusababisha hali ngumu katika ndoa yake. Ingawa wanandoa wanafaa kuvumiliana, kiwango cha uvumilivu na mipaka […]

todayMay 30, 2023 320 1


Eric Omondi asks for Play 75% Kenyan music

The Kenyan music industry has for ages been exclusive, with less than 20% of original Kenyan music being played across the various media platforms, stiff competition from countries like South Africa, Tanzania and Nigeria whose music industries are thriving has made it that much more difficult to traverse the space. On top of that, the conditions afforded to players in the industry are laughable. For years artists have had to grapple for limited opportunities of exposure and airplay,, and the […]

todayNovember 18, 2022 380 3
